Friday, February 03, 2006

For Our Children, and Us too

Ever since Narnia hit the big screens lately, the major book stores have been filling their shelves with all other great books which we had read when we were kids. Big names like Charles Dickens, Victor Hugo, all start to introduce themselves in one big consolidated force to our dear young ones (and old ones like us too).

It's interesting to see how the children pitch these books against the other books of their contemporaries, eg Harry Potter.

Some of my peers (including myself) have been making good use of this time to purchase these books and add them to our collectibles. They will come in handy when we have our own children, and whenever we need a re-look at our perspectives... ... sometimes after having lost our ways and major directions in life.


Blogger Pradeep Puranik said...

O Great Queen, kindly accept humble salutations from one of your entourage. ;)

You reminded me of great works like Oliver Twist, Tale of Two Cities, The Last Day of a Condemned...

They are all very entertaining reads, while they also convey pretty serious messages to the readers.

I must admit here that Harry Potter could never give me what authors like Charles Dickens or Victor Hugo could. I guess that they are a class apart.


3:36 PM  
Blogger Queen Bee said...

I am only too happy that our young ones got a chance to see what they are missing out on, and to catch up!

3:45 PM  

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