Friday, July 28, 2006

One Month

So far it's nearing the end of the month. For my new job, it's so far so good. Very busy but I learn a lot of new things while on it. I suppose when the office is small, one has to get things to work, else there will be a lot of backlog. It's a bit like a jack of all trades.

Haven't been able to work on my painting. This weekend should be good to resume on it. I have transported my easel from my ex-office to my current home.

Haven't been able to drop by my fellow blogger's post too... Need to catch up on so much...


Blogger Pradeep Puranik said...

** "It's a bit like a jack of all trades."

I know exactly what you mean, dear. Been there, done that. :)

Following your hobby while listening to some soothing music can rejuvenate your overworked batteries.

Hugs, best wishes, and cheers!

1:05 PM  
Blogger Ekta said...

glad ur enjoying ur work and learning..but like u urself said..its important to keep time off for yourself too...!

3:00 PM  
Blogger kimmyk said...

Did you ever figure out what was causing that sort of panic attack or whatever was happening to you?

Glad to hear your job is going well. Looking forward to seeing your painting.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Queen Bee said...

Hey, thanks for the tip! Music does magic especially when I am a bit frantic ;P

Have been squeezing time to pamper myself too; going for haircut, pedicure... haha girly stuff :)

The hyperventilation was caused when I was very agitated. I was cornered, trying to clear my stand from some false accusations. Now I just stood by my stand and ignore whatever misconception others have, since they are not the direct parties involved (and yet trying to poke their fingers at it). It's tiring and I have put it one side, concentrating on my new job instead. :)

11:11 AM  
Blogger White Magpie said...

And its more important to blog..comment..wotcha working on? Part of Basel II? :p

6:29 PM  
Blogger PNA said...

hey qb , is it going
new job and all ,........

4:28 PM  
Blogger Hazel Dream said...

Queen Bee and Job?? thats contrary
By the way congrats

7:32 PM  
Blogger White Magpie said...

C'mon!! When will the wait be over?

10:58 PM  

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