Saturday, September 23, 2006

More beauty

Guess I have been staying in the cold for a long while. It's so lonely when there is none who shares the same feelings and the same thoughts, especially on something supposedly so trivial as the daily space that we stare at, breathe in, walk around, work in, eat at.

It's marvelous when there's someone who plays the cord in your heart without you announcing your's heart's wishes. Lately I experience the heart-warming feeling of sharing the same space with someone who appreciates beauty just like I do.

I wish I can have someone like that as a life partner. I feel that I am someone greatly affected by the things that my eyes lay on. If nature's beauty is around me, I feel so much more joyful, so much warmer as a living human being...


hAvE bEeN iN A bIt oF A sUrReNdEr mOoD lAtElY...
aLmOsT tHrOwInG iN tHe tOwEl...