Wednesday, October 12, 2005

He gave you a solution. Or is that a solution?

Now it appears that all men in our context are similar. I thought I found one who is different because he has been displaced from his own culture for half a decade but now is planted back in his homeland. I thought he could surpass all that. And being immersed in another culture myself, I have learned that you shouldn’t compromise yourself. Never give up your dreams. Dreams are possible! They can be achieved! They are real. They exist….. God has put me there to speak aloud to me. Yes, I have thrown away all my compromises that I kept long in my closet, and I promise myself, never one day will I say I will compromise for lesser. Never one day will I lose my direction. Most importantly, never one day will I ever lose my SELF again!

Well, now back in our homeland, back in our own context. He has succumbed, while I am still fighting. Yet the truth is, our partnership is waiting for an answer. We are back in the old world…

He has to be the one to have the first say and the last say. He must be pampered, praised and put before your own self. You, being the inferior sex, being the supporting role, will have no say in his presence. He prefers a silent, obedient wife who agrees with everything he proclaims, glorifies him and makes him the tallest man on earth and a very happy man of course. Well, no challenges, no opinion, no preference. Most of all, no questions and to be sorry all the time, “Oh I am so sorry, you are so right. Forgive me, I shouldn’t think otherwise.” He does not want to hear the truth spouting out from your mouth. He does not need you to voice out any thoughts that cross your mind. “Keep your thoughts to yourself,” that’s what he says. “Learn to constrain yourself, you should learn what to say and when to say it.” Small man needs to feel tall. And to do that, he must make another man shed his height. Excuse me, it’s “another woman to shed her height”.

Why does a man love a person with no soul? He loves a soulless person because he has a bad day at work. He loves a soulless person because he is tired and no longer wants to be challenged in the slightest sense. He loves a soulless person because he doesn’t want to hear anything different. He loves a soulless person because he has been saying yes to everyone the whole day. He loves a soulless person because he has had enough of taking orders from everyone in his office. Or so it seems. Could it be that he is too meek and too agreeable at work, and that he no longer has an opinion, that he has been pushed around? Oh no no no, I am so sorry, how could I have thought of it this way. No no no, he must have been the best man for the job, which is why everyone needs him, and every task is given to him. Oh he is so important.

“Accept!” that’s what he says. “Learn to accept the way I am. Learn to appreciate me for the way I am,” he says.

One can form an opinion and keep an opinion alive, without having to shut the whole world up. You can shut your wife up but is that the solution to your problem?


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